Pray-Shop through the day
The word prayer from the ancient Aramaic language can mean "to set a trap for God" which was meaningful in the days of hunting for food. (Rocco A. Errico) Now we shop. And we can "Pray-Shop" for more elevated and illumined thoughts and images anytime, anywhere. Shop in the realm of the mind for thoughts and images that resonate with Love, Light, Wisdom, Life, Truth, Order, Right Activity, Freedom, Beauty, Peace. The mind, the conscious awareness, is the realm of thought and image. Shop till all the old negative destructive thoughts drop. Continue to Pray-Shop until just the right thought or image is found, the most illumined and elevated, that thought form which embodies the most beautiful and loving, especially when faced with fearful and horrifying conditions or circumstances.Then we can have a ClosetMind filled with a wonderful wardrobe of good constructive thoughts which can be expressed with the most wondrous results. The essential Make-Over that transforms us into truly radiant beings through and through.And in our Kitchen CabinetHeart and mind and in our FridgeHeart and mind we will have bountiful and nourishing thoughts, imagined scenes, and dialogues, that will fuel harmonious and successful daily activities, affairs, and relationships. We usually don't keep old, out-of-date or mildewed, spoiled food in our cabinets or our fridges, so why do we dwell and keep destructive, mean-spirited thoughts in our minds and hearts?Take a moment to quietly address your inner Self. Pray-Shop for a beautiful idea that benefits and inspires, a resolving answer to a challenge or puzzlement. Shop until you have to stop. It may come right away, it make take some time.......repeat the Pray-Shop until that satisfying answer comes.Love, Peace, and Blessings,Joy