The Incredible Switcheroo.…the Formidable Swap-Out!
Yes! we can substitute all these morbid, negative, angry, scary thoughts and images for beautiful, positive, wise, comforting thoughts and images. And really we must!! When we feel agitated, irritated, disturbed, lonely, anxious, we can substitute a thought and create an image that is the opposite. Yoga Sutra II.33 Vitarka badhane pratipaksa bhavanam. Faced with negative, limited thoughts, apply an opposite thought or attitude. Face au limitations negatives, on applique une attitude mental opposee. Take the other side of the river bank and start afresh.Emmet Fox recommends substitution! Substitute a negative, dead-end thought for a thriving light-filled thought! (The Golden Key and 22 Other Additional Essays, The Key of Destiny p 19)In the mind is a constant stream of collected words and images, moving so quickly that we can hardly perceive or edit them. When we sit to meditate on one object of attention, or lay down to sleep, these unresolved and impressionable collected thoughts, images and dialogues may distract us from our chosen object. It is comparable to a stream that is dammed up by a collection of debris. They rise to the forefront of the mind with thunderous power. We are confronted with all the thoughts and images we have literally collected from our activities, our companions, conversations, TV and computer usage, readings, music, etc.. They are influencing our decisions and choices, our emotions, our conversations, our lifestyles, our diets, our companions.We can pick through and edit! Swap-out the disturbing for the comforting. If the fear of failure pops up, switch to ability and success. Repeat that thought over and over and develop it into a living, breathing scene.An example: You are going for an interview with an employer, and feel anxious. An endless list of limiting thoughts and images bombard you. Inhale, exhale a little longer than the inhale.....find a thought that pulses with confidence and poise, ability and LOVE. Repeat it and embellish it with colors, and fragrance....your favorite colors, and favorite scents....Breathe again, inhale and exhale a little longer. Repeat it and bring an image of a harmonious exchange between you and the interviewer....if you come across resistance within you, just try again, keep opening up and keep replacing. If this feels frustrating or too intangible place the anxiety in a box, all wrapped up. Place the box in a recycling bin, and let the waste team take it away. Open your door to receive and accept a beautiful gift package that holds the new positive thought and image you would like. Open it. What comes to mind? If you still come across only the negative, try the whole process again, until something changes, or you need to take a break or stop. Sometimes the change or idea or image will come later when you are doing something else. If this happens, try to write it down safely, or repeat it in your mind several times so it will stay in your memory. Repeat the exercise and spend some time with the new and positive, refine it!! It is helpful to bring the renewed and refreshed thoughts and images to mind and cultivate them, consciously applying faith and belief.(If there are serious disturbances that are difficult to work with, it is always helpful to seek a referred professional. It is helpful to speak to someone trustworthy and well-trained. Those matters that are the most distressing and painful, and are the hardest to talk about are the most important to bring out into the open, in a safe environment with someone who is able to hear and understand.)Love, Peace, and Blessings,Joy