Infinity is Our Name
The beautiful Infinite Presence is always within us as our true name! As we chant the beautiful syllables of each mantra, we invoke and give authority to this infinite inner source of healing life and love, wisdom and peace. The name rings forth and manifests as it is spoken, endless in its Being and ability.
The chants are in Samskrta (Sanskrit) which is such a logical language. Every syllable is pronounced exactly as it is spelled and each sound resonates with a specific meaning. It is then so very important to devote our time to mastering the correct pronunciation with no thought of ego or time….just to ensure that we are sending forth the vibrational qualities that will benefit all creation. We can repeat and repeat; there is an endless quality to All. Whenever we call it forth, it does so appear.
The mantra are made of revelations and profound and delightful understanding of all of life’s wonders. After chanting we are transformed and carried to a flowing consciousness that is present and at peace. And it is infinite in nature, always responding… its own way, through its own channels or vessels.
Our true name is Infinite Life. It is Infinite Love. It is Infinite Wisdom. It is Infinite Peace. Chanting the Vedic syllables awakens and reawakens that Infinite Consciousness , removing any other provocation that would contradict this for ourselves and others.
Peace and Blessings.