What are we watering in the garden of our mind?
Vedic chant can help us water the most glorious seeds in our mind. We have so many influences in our daily lives: music with or without lyrics, relationship interactions, foods, inherited attitudes and beliefs, all that we receive through the media which contribute to the seed thoughts in our minds. The Vedic Sanskrit syllables are new glorious seeds that we introduce. Very often the chant can begin with Om. This syllable is a seed that when watered with focused attention , love and faithful repetition brings forth a garden of delights.
There are many seeds already within us. Seeds of becoming that which is the ultimate composition of our true selves as conscious human beings. As we chant and water these seeds, they mature and bloom and bring forth beautiful and beneficial fruits.
Learning to chant and advancing in our practice has its own special watering process. Letting go of thoughts about time, expectations and desires for future gain, we allow the sounds and the vibrations of the syllables to complete their gentle clearing, healing, cleansing and regenerating action. The seeds that have been planted are wisdom, love, peace, life, joy, order, and right activity, and now we tend to them only, we water them only.
Peace and Blessings,